Development and Innovation Director at BPI Real Estate & President EU Taxonomy Commission UPSI-BVS

Senior Manager Sustainability in Real Estate at Deloitte

Senior Sustainability Consultant at Deloitte

Senior Sustainability Consultant at Bopro

Assistant professor ESG - Sustainable Finance & Valuation at TU Delft, Delft University of Technology

Managing Director at FEBELCEM, the Belgian Cement Association

President UPSI-BVS & CEO at Atenor
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€175 VAT excl for UPSI-BVS members
€90 VAT excl for YUB members
Registration and payment before 08/05/2024.
In case of cancellation after 08/05/2024 the participation fees will be due.
Welcome & coffee
Introduction by Sandra Gottcheiner
BPI Real Estate & President EU Taxonomy Commission UPSI-BVS
Introduction to CSRD by Rana Mahmoud & Jef Witters
R. Mahmoud, Senior Manager Sustainability in Real Estate - Deloitte
J. Witters, Senior Sustainability Consultant - Deloitte
CSRD: what it takes to implement it in a mid-size company by Charlotte Truyts, Senior Sustainability Consultant at Bopro
ETS 2 / CO2 tax and the potential impact on large property portfolios by Michaël Peeters, Assistant professor ESG - Sustainable Finance & Valuation - TU Delft, Delft University of Technology
Cement – Impact of the CO2 Tax and the Taxonomy of real estate projects by Hervé Camerlynck, Managing Director – FEBELCEM, the Belgian Cement Association
Conclusion by Stéphan Sonneville, President UPSI-BVS & CEO at Atenor
Networking lunch
Meeting point: Hotel Le Plaza
Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126, 1000 Brussels
Register here